Sovereign Cloud: The Next Big Shift in Cloud Computing for 2024

In recent years, you’ve probably heard about Cloud Computing or “the cloud,” a technology that allows businesses and individuals to access computing resources on-demand. This approach provides simple, secure, and flexible access to resources without requiring companies to invest in their own infrastructure or hire specialized personnel.

However, what you might not know is that there are various types of cloud environments depending on the level of control, security, and customization needed. One type of cloud that is gaining increasing importance is the sovereign cloud.

In 2024, 40% of large enterprises are expected to migrate 10% of their workloads to a sovereign cloud provider, a move that highlights the growing significance of data sovereignty and compliance.

What is Sovereign Cloud?

The sovereign cloud, or “Cloud soberana,” is a specialized form of cloud computing designed to ensure that cloud services comply with the laws and jurisdiction of a specific territory, region, or country. This is particularly important for public administrations and companies dealing with sensitive or critical data.

Sovereign cloud services aim to ensure sovereignty, independence, control, and security over data and the infrastructure that processes and stores that data. It provides a solution to the growing concern that businesses may become dependent on foreign providers or governments, which could put sensitive data at risk.

The sovereign cloud offers public institutions and strategic enterprises greater sovereignty, security, and trust over their data and applications. It ensures that the cloud services align with national regulations and sovereignty, without being subjected to foreign legislation such as the U.S. Cloud Act, which allows American authorities to access data stored in foreign cloud systems by U.S.-based companies.

Types of Cloud: Where Does Sovereign Cloud Fit?

Cloud computing comes in various forms, each offering a different balance of control, security, and customization. The main types are public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud, and multicloud. The private cloud, in particular, serves as the foundation for the sovereign cloud model.

The Private Cloud: Enabling Sovereign Cloud

The private cloud involves infrastructure that is exclusively used by a single organization, unlike the public cloud, where computing resources are shared among multiple users. This exclusive infrastructure gives businesses complete control over the design, management, and security of their cloud environment.

This level of control is crucial for the sovereign cloud because it allows for compliance with national data protection standards and ensures that data remains within the country’s borders.

Some of the key benefits of the private cloud that make it ideal for enabling a sovereign cloud include:

  1. Data Protection: By using dedicated infrastructure, businesses can meet stringent data protection standards and ensure that sensitive data remains within the national territory.
  2. Resource Optimization and Flexibility: Companies can optimize the use of resources and adapt them to the specific needs of their business, ensuring that their cloud infrastructure grows alongside them.
  3. Customization: The private cloud offers businesses the flexibility to customize their environment based on their requirements, such as availability, scalability, security, and support.

Overall, the private cloud allows businesses to tailor their cloud environment to meet specific regulatory requirements and data security needs, making it the ideal base for a sovereign cloud solution.

Benefits of Sovereign Cloud for Businesses

Public administrations and businesses may require sovereign cloud solutions for several reasons, primarily to ensure compliance with local laws and to maintain control over sensitive or critical data. Here are some key reasons why sovereign cloud is becoming essential:

1. Compliance with Local Laws

Sovereign cloud guarantees that data is stored and processed according to local regulations, ensuring that it is not subjected to foreign jurisdictions or governmental control. In many countries, this is particularly important for industries that handle highly sensitive or critical information, such as defense, healthcare, and finance.

With a sovereign cloud solution, businesses can ensure that their operations comply with local laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union or other regional data protection regulations.

2. Data Security and Confidentiality

Sovereign cloud solutions provide enhanced data security, especially for sensitive or critical data related to national security, defense, healthcare, or the economy.

For example, businesses that operate in highly regulated industries such as pharmaceuticals or aerospace must ensure that their data is protected from foreign surveillance or tampering. The sovereign cloud offers additional layers of confidentiality, integrity, and availability, making it suitable for organizations that prioritize stringent security protocols.

3. Independence and Data Mobility

Another key advantage of the sovereign cloud is that it enables businesses to maintain full independence over their data. Unlike public cloud services that may come with restrictive conditions or dependencies on foreign vendors, the sovereign cloud ensures data mobility, allowing organizations to move their data freely without concerns about vendor lock-in.

Additionally, sovereign cloud providers are less likely to impose restrictive conditions or encounter service interruptions due to geopolitical factors or cyberattacks. This independence is crucial for organizations that want to avoid disruptions to their business operations.

4. Compliance with Regulations and Standards

Many industries are subject to strict regulations regarding data protection, privacy, transparency, and security. Sovereign cloud solutions help businesses meet these regulations, ensuring that they remain compliant with local laws while also respecting the sovereignty of the country or region in which they operate.

For example, organizations in the EU must ensure that their cloud service providers adhere to GDPR requirements, particularly when handling personal data. Sovereign cloud providers based in the EU can offer solutions that comply with these regulations, allowing businesses to avoid costly penalties.

5. Promoting Local Innovation and Technology Development

By supporting national or regional cloud providers, sovereign cloud solutions also promote local innovation and technology development. This fosters a thriving ecosystem of domestic cloud services that can compete with larger global providers.

For instance, businesses in Europe may prefer to partner with European sovereign cloud providers who can offer tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of the country or region. This approach not only strengthens local economies but also promotes data sovereignty by reducing reliance on foreign technology giants.


The sovereign cloud offers public institutions and businesses handling sensitive or strategic data greater control, security, and confidence over their information. It ensures compliance with national regulations while respecting the sovereignty of each country, making it a crucial tool for organizations concerned about data privacy and security.

In this context, the private cloud is the ideal model for enabling sovereign cloud solutions. It provides exclusive infrastructure that can be customized to meet the specific needs of each client, offering advantages such as enhanced data protection, resource optimization, and regulatory compliance.

As businesses continue to embrace cloud technologies, the sovereign cloud is becoming a key factor in ensuring competitiveness, innovation, and technological development across organizations and regions.

By 2024, the expected increase in sovereign cloud adoption will reinforce its role in safeguarding data sovereignty, promoting local innovation, and ensuring long-term independence from foreign influence. Whether you are part of a public institution or a private enterprise, sovereign cloud solutions offer a powerful way to protect your data while maintaining control over the infrastructure that powers your business.

Sovereign Cloud: The Next Big Shift in Cloud Computing for 2024

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