10 Best Law Firm Marketing Ideas & Strategies

Small Law Firm Marketing Ideas And Advertising Strategies For Lawyers And Personal Injury Attorney

Legal Marketing ideas for the best practices law firm marketing 
Actually, many lawyers do not seem to be getting new clients and files because they don’t do enough business development activities (or perhaps, they are wasting time on wrong activities). We can also point their problems toward the direction of them not getting face to face with potential clients.

Thus, it is required that they know a handful of creative marketing techniques. And, yes, here are 10 innovative law firm marketing ideas they will sure be beneficial to your business:

1. Spend 2.5 Percent Of Gross Revenues On Marketing:

Yes, ensure you spend at least 2.5 percent of your gross revenue on law firm marketing ideas advertising and publicity. If you don’t, according to experts, you are just pretending to be marketing.

Now, listen to this. That 2.5 percent we are talking about doesn’t include the salaries of any of the people that you may have hired to do the work. You should have it in mind that this is money that is spent on generating new business, on visiting clients and taking them to lunch (because it is all direct lawyer firm advertising ideas). Really, at least considering the different options that are available, if you are not spending at least 2.5 percent on your law firm marketing strategy, then you are not being serious about marketing for law firms (and there are chances you wouldn’t even get any results). Thus, 2.5 percent of gross revenues, if deployed well, can go a long way.

2. Why Not Video On Your Website?

Yeah, why not put video on your website? You too might have noticed that YouTube is sponsoring presidential debates (don’t forget that it is the fourth most popular website on the internet). That is actually because like 30 percent of the population has grown up with things pertaining to the internet always present in their lives. And many of the 30 percent of the population, who always had the internet, are looking for video. Thus, putting a video on your site is actually a nice opportunity to present how you look, talk, and what you’re like (even to make yourself more attractive to clients).  A nice one it is.

3. Don’t Waste Money On Even The Best Law Firm Marketing Campaigns:

That’s plain. Don’t want money and resources on creative marketing ideas for law firms that is not measurable. Listen, if you can’t measure it, then simply don’t do it.

4. Start With Low-Hanging Fruit:

Hear this. When it comes to business development, ensure you start with the low-hanging fruit (which is your own clients). Yes, these are people who love and trust you. They are even sending you work and checks. Strive to know them better to know and see if you can generate additional files from them.

5. Cultivate Referral Sources:

Actually, many lawyers get most of their business from referrals (which is very wonderful). Nevertheless, you need to know that it doesn’t just happen all by itself. The people who actually get the referrals are lawyers who cultivated them. Tell your satisfied clients to send you new works, and tell them the types of works you need. Also, talk to people you know in other professions and law school mates.

6. Get Active In A Trade Association:

Yes, get active in a trade association (not necessarily bar association) and even strive getting on the board of directors. Yeah. Join an association of clients. Ask your present clients what association they are, join, and strive to get on the board of directors.

7. Purse Target Clients:.

After you’ve done many things, then pursue target clients. This target means a business executive whom you know already.

8. A Business Plan?

Yeah. If you do have a business plan, you write it down. It isn’t actually real until you’ve written it down. What you will be writing down are vital things such as whom you intend calling, when you will be meeting, and even outcome that you are expecting to have.

You might wonder: ‘what is the idea? Well, the idea of writing it down is now you’ve moved it on your calendar. And since it’s on your to-do list, you are going to do it.

9. Time To Develop To Business Development:  

If you are interested in knowing how much time you should devote to business development, an expert recommends 200 hours a year.

10. Track Your Results:

If you want to undertake a creative law firm marketing tip like joining the local business owners club, you ensure you make a point of writing down those people you want to meet before you go.

Then this, which is very important. If you are spending huge on a form of advert, always ask your new clients where they are coming from (or heard of you). Then you can decide the performance of advert.

10 Best Law Firm Marketing Ideas & Strategies

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