Top 5 Python Web Framework Software Platforms

Python is widely used high-level programming language for general0purpose programming. Python has a design philosophy which emphasizes code readability (notable using whitespace indention to delimit code blocks rather than curly braces or keywords), and a syntax which allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than possible in languages such as C++ or Java. Python features a dynamic type system and automatic memory management and supports multiple programming paradigms, including object-oriented, imperative, functional programming and procedural styles. It has a large and comprehensive standard library. A web framework is a software framework designed to support the development of web applications including web services, web resources and web APIs and automate the overhead associated with common activities performed in web development. Therefore, today I would like to introduce top 5 best and most popular Python web framework software platforms.

1. Django

Django is a high-level Python Web Framework that encourages fast growth and clean, pragmatic design. If we are building one thing that’s much like an E-commerce web site, it’s best to in all probability go along with Django. It would get our work executed fast. We do not have to fret about too many expertise selections. It gives the whole lot factor you want from template engine to ORM. If anyone wish to use our web app framework as a CMS, Django might be a more sensible choice.

This Python Web Framework has been designed from the start to leverage a lot of native Python, and make less use of third-party frameworks or libraries. Although it’s another MVC framework, the controllers are called Views; they encapsulate the logic responsible for processing a user’s request and returning the response.

Technically, Django uses an ORM (Object Relational Mapper) to map its objects to database tables, in contrast to web2py’s Database Abstraction Layer (DAL), which maps objects to queries, tables and records. The same code works with different databases and makes portability between different database types easier. Django works with PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite and Oracle. Other databases can be used with third-party drivers.

Django’s “batteries included” approach makes it easy for developers who know Python already to dive in to web applications quickly without needing to make a lot of decisions about their application’s infrastructure ahead of time. Django has for templating, forms, routing, authentication, basic database administration, and more built in. In contrast, Pyramid includes routing and authentication, but templating and database administration require external libraries.

The prize for most active community goes to Django with 80,000 StackOverflow questions and a healthy set of blogs from developers and power users. The Flask and Pyramid communities aren’t as large, but their communities are quite active on their mailing lists and on IRC. With only 5,000 StackOverflow questions tagged, Flask is 15x smaller than Django. On Github, they have a nearly identical number of stars with 11,300 for Django, and 10,900 for Flask.

Django also has its own bootstrapping tool built in as a part of django-admin. Django separates a project into individual applications, where Pyramid and Flask expect a project to be a single “application” with several views or models. It’s possible to replicate the project/app distinction in Flask and Pyramid, but the notion does not exist by default. By default Django only includes empty model and template files, so a new user sees a bit less example code to start out. It also (unfortunately) leaves the choice of how to distribute their application to the developer.

2. Pyramid

Pyramid is an open source, Python web application development framework. Its primary goal is to make it easier for a Python developer to create web applications. Pyramid is similar to Flask. Pyramid is compatible with python3, great documentation, minimal, fast  and flexible, integration of nosql: mongodb, couchdb. pyramid is best for Developers working on API projects, Prototyping a concept & Developing large web applications, such as a CMS. Pyramid is the most flexible among Flask, Django and Pyramid as it can be used to build both small and large applications with the trust of many open source communities for event-based applications.

Pyramid is a very flexible framework with a heavy focus on modularity. It comes with a small number of libraries (“batteries”) built-in, and encourages users to extend its base functionality.

Pyramid does not have a large user base, unlike Django and Flask. It’s a capable framework, but not a very popular choice for new Python web applications today.

Developers may dive in to Pyramid’s narrative documentation, or browse the extensive API reference. Pyramid has a rich pool of helpful resources from which to draw. Extending Pyramid is a curated and filterable list of add-ons, packages, and applications built to work with Pyramid. Its configuration, extension, and add-on system gives the skeleton to support your ambitions, and its architecture ensures that you don’t lose those performance and quality features you started with.

  • Include and configurePyramid add-ons inside your application
  • Override and customizecore code and add-ons from the outside, without forking
  • Build and deliver re-usable subsystemsinside and outside our organization
  • Less magicby forgoing globals and import side-effects
  • Use the configuration systemto keep your wiring separate from your code
  • Numerous extension facilitiesbuilt into the framework
  • Use Pyramid as a framework frameworkto craft your own special-purpose, domain-specific web system
  • Gain insight from our long-standing culture of systemsthat organically get big

3. Flask

Flask is more open-ended to unique systems and a “microframework” for Python to build smaller applications, APIs and web services. Flask is best for Developers who care about best practices, Developers who want to prototype something quickly as well as Developers who need a standalone app. Flask comes with Jinja template engine by default. Flask is a micro framework, so it favors simplicity over features. It takes much less time to set up and there’s fewer layers of abstraction between you and the HTTP functions.

Building an app with Flask is a lot like writing standard Python modules, except some functions have routes attached to them. It’s really beautiful.

Rather than aiming to provide everything you could possibly need, Flask implements the most commonly-used core components of a web application framework, like URL routing, request and response objects, and templates.

If you use Flask, it is up to you to choose other components for your application, if any. For example, database access or form generation and validation are not built-in functions of Flask.

This is great, because many web applications don’t need those features. For those that do, there are many Extensions available that may suit your needs. Or, you can easily use any library you want yourself.

4. Tornado

Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed. By using non-blocking network I/O, Tornado can scale to tens of thousands of open connections, making it ideal for long polling, WebSockets, and other applications that require a long-lived connection to each user”.

Tornado stands some where between Django and Flask. If you want to write something with Django or Flask, but if you need a better performance, you can opt for Tornado. It can handle C10k problem very well if it is architected right.

5. Web2py

Last but not least, one of the most popular Python web Framework is Web2py. The platform does have excellent documentation, including a 600-page PDF, and that includes an introduction to Python. What I like most about web2py is its completeness.

If you are new to Python Web development, you’ll have many questions, and web2py seems to have answers to everything. Security is built-in, with generated forms that have field validation; sessions are stored server-side, so tampering with cookies gains you nothing. Database support includes built-in SQL generation for the ten most popular databases and Google App Engine.

Architecturally, Web2py follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC). It doesn’t go down the PHP embedded tags route, but instead generates html from code. Once you’ve defined your models, you get a complete administrative interface for free.

I like Web2py but there’s just one area where it lets you down. Currently, it only supports Python 2.7, and there’s no Python 3.x. support. Supposedly the latter is in the works; if or when that happens, I would totally recommend web2py. If you are happy with Python 2.7, then web2py is probably the web framework for you.

Top 5 Python Web Framework Software Platforms

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