10 Most Successful Ways to Make Money from a Blog

An ad platform run by Google is the best and mostly used monetizing method implied by the bloggers all over the world. If you own a good quality blog with unique quality content, no one can stop you from getting rich, just by adsense. It is the best ad platform in the business since it gives maximum money for showing up ads.

You just need to submit your website and your personal information to Adsense. If they found your website useful and abiding all their terms and conditions, they will approve it and allow you to show up their ads.

But getting approved by Adsense can be tough and may take time for some people; hence they need to check out other alternatives given below.

Reviewing Products

One of the easiest ways to earn from blog is by reviewing products. There are many companies paying bloggers to write positive reviews for their products.

You can also directly contact some individual website-owners and companies related to niche, you write about in your blog.

Banner Ads

This is also one of the most widely used money making method by bloggers. In many sites, you would have seen banners promoting a product or a service. These are banners that bloggers are given to add in their blogs and in return, they are given good amount.

To add a banner on your site, they will pay you monthly, no matter how many people click on those banners. However, it should be noted that, they will only give you a good offer if they will be sure that your blog has got potential and will be helpful in their marketing.

The third-party websites like BuySellAds.com are useful in finding out such companies that are looking for quality blogs to add their banners.

Video Reviews

Those who are popular in video reviewing of products are paid much better than those who review through articles, because people get influenced by video reviews much faster than through articles. You can add/embed review videos in your blogs and the product owner will pay you good.

Affiliate Marketing

This is the source of huge amount of money if you’ve got  quality users visiting your blog. This is all about promoting other’s products and services and getting the commission directly on your product without buying or selling anything. The best way to make users buy certain product is to make positive review about the product, explaining how that product can solve their problem or how it can make them efficient.

You might be thinking that ‘Review Method’ was already discussed, so how’s this is different. Let me tell you. In case of review method, you are given a fixed amount to review client’s product, and hence a one-time payment. But in ‘Affiliate Marketing’, you are given commission on each sale of that product that is referred through your special link which you’ll add in your blog. And hence, you keep on getting regular amount.

Selling Links

One of the practices in blogging is SEO. For that purpose, many bloggers look to add their URL in other blogs. That means, you will be paid for including an external link (which client will provide) in a particular article or at a specific place in your blog.

Create and Sell Own Product or Service

When you will earn authenticity through your blog, you will be able to sell any products to your loyal readers.


  • You can also move ahead of Affiliate Marketing and make own products to get much more profit.
  • create own products related to your niche.
  • make certain useful software, plugins, and ebooks and sell them to earn passive income.

Teach ‘Online’.

A good percentage of your regular readers are often excited to learn something useful directly from you instead of searching articles here and there. For them, online courses can be made and good registration fees can be charged. Many SEO bloggers teach SEO principles and techniques, both basic and advanced, and earn a passive amount of income. The courses may be short and long depending upon the course to be delivered. But I tell you, the income in this method is massive and beyond your expectations.

But for this, you need to be a reputed person in that niche.

CPA Marketing

This is also a simple technique to apply in a blog. You need to drive your traffic to a landing page where the users need to complete an action to get you money.

The action could be filling up a form, signing up on a website, downloading a file, taking few surveys, etc. As the users complete the action, you get the pre-decided amount from the clients.

E-Mail Marketing

Whenever you open a website, you’ll always find a banner or a pop-up asking you to write your e-mail id and get a bonus. This is just a small gift to the users in the exchange of great reward. Yes, email marketing is also one of the major income sources for many marketers and bloggers.

After getting the emails, you have to mail them introducing a product that they can buy. The product can be yours or someone’s where you are acting as affiliate. If you have a single product of 20$ to sell and you send mails to 1000 e-mails that you have, assuming 1% (10 people) people buy the product, you’ll earn 20×10=200$ by using just a click. This was just a example, possibilities are much above this level as number of email-list and conversion can go much higher with more experience.


Blogging opens up the enormous earning opportunities if someone has patience and dedication for it. Use every monetization method for 3-4 months and then carry-on with the most profitable method as it may vary with the type and niche of the blog.

10 Most Successful Ways to Make Money from a Blog

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