5 Common Web Design Mistakes

The internet continues to grow at an incredible pace, with over a million websites are created every week around the world. The builders of these new websites hope to engage with their readers by providing valuable or interesting content, but to do this effectively they must avoid some common web design mistakes.

Writing only for search engines

One of the most common web design blunders is writing to please search engine algorithms instead of visitors. This is counterproductive in two ways. The frequent use of keywords can make text difficult to read, and this kind of writing has little effect on your conversion. The way search engines sort and rank websites is also becoming increasingly sophisticated, and optimization tricks that work today may do more harm than good as time goes on.

Not using a responsive design.

Another surefire way to lose visitors is to build a website that does not look good on their screen. People now access websites using so many different devices. A visitor may be using a smart phone with a screen only a few inches wide, visiting your site via a tablet, or they could be sitting in front of a huge high-definition monitor. Web developers can tackle this problem by using a responsive design that recognizes the size and resolution of the visitors screen and displays content appropriately.

Too much information

Many web designers make the mistake of bombarding visitors with too much information. People go to a website with clear objectives, and they are likely to move on if they are unable to find what they are looking for quickly. Clear navigation and fast load times will encourage visitors to stick around while walls of text and elaborate drop-down menus may drive them away. Web designers often find themselves facing problems if they begin the project with no clear plan. Website visitors soon sense if a site was built based on an established site map or grew haphazardly as content was added.

A focus should also be placed on the kind of content that visitors are likely to find useful. People rarely pay much attention when a business website mentions a commitment to customer service, but glowing reviews or testimonials from happy customers could be very effective. Make sure all your calls to actions are very clear.

Difficult to read

Some websites lose visitors because their text is not easier to read. Using an exotic font may look great on a your own computer, but this might not be the case with other people. If a device does not have the necessary font installed, the text will be displayed using a default font such as Times New Roman. Color schemes are also important. The reason that most websites feature dark text over a light and consistent background is because that is what works best. Artistic flights of fancy are often greatly satisfying, but they usually lead to poor results.

Thinking the job is done

The final mistake many web designers make is thinking that the job is done once the website is online and running. Attracting visitors is difficult enough, but keeping them interested is the real challenge. Visitors are more likely to bookmark a website if it regularly offers new and interesting content, and an engaging blog can be a powerful tool. Frequently adding fresh and relevant content is also likely to improve search engine rankings. Also, designing your website should be a continual process of evaluating where your users are going (Google Analytics is a great tool for this) and re-optimizing the pages that aren’t performing.

5 Common Web Design Mistakes

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