For most who are currently struggling with their everyday financial needs, budgeting is generally an unavoidable scenario. However, don’t panic. There are certain ways to make budgeting fun, effective, and painless, without it really affecting your everyday lifestyle by much. When it comes to budgeting, it is all about thinking critically about ways you can save money and conserving on existing […]
5 Easy Ways For College Students To Save Money
The economy has seen its better days over the last couple years and many of us have been forced to change the way we spend money. Many people have found themselves unemployed or underemployed and some are even going back to school as a result. Saving money while you are still in school is one […]
10 Amazing Ways to Monetize Youtube Videos
Thousands of people, from kids to old, have utilized youtube to be their main income stream since it has a lot to offer. No matter if you have failed in your youtube mission or you are just planning to start a new, this guide has come at a right time for you. Here we have […]
Understanding The “Thank You Economy”
The business world has gone beyond a state of evolution in recent years. In many years, it’s a state of genesis. Better yet, it’s a rebirth like the phoenix from the ashes. The way most businesses must operate to thrive in today’s ultra-competitive world is based upon a re-imagination of the very ideas that helped […]
5 Things They Don’t Tell You About Business Finance
You can never over-prepare for potential pitfalls in business, especially where your own individual finances are concerned. Going into a business uninformed about something as basic and essential as your finances can leave you open to all sorts of risks. This can therefore damage your reputation beyond all repair. If you can’t take care of […]
A Major Dilemma: Tips for Unsure College Students Choosing a Major
At the start of every school year, bright-eyed freshman walk the grounds of college campuses filled with enthusiasm and potential. However as time passes, an ever-present lurking question begins to appear behind those eager eyes: If I don’t know what to do with my life, what major should I choose? Many college students harbor doubts […]
Post college work opportunities
Graduating from college counts as being not only one of the most exciting experiences of one’s life, but also one of the most anxiety-producing. With such a difficult economic climate to navigate, it can be difficult for practically any college graduate to know which route to take after they finally get their diploma and enter […]
Making Social Media Work for You
You’re on the homestretch of your education, a lot and so close to graduation that you can hear Pomp and Circumstance playing as you envision your proud walk across the stage to ge t your diploma. You’re excited about displaying that hard-earned degree on your resume, and you’re ready to get your career moving forward […]
Why You Should Wait for Grad School
So many students believe that the best thing they can do, once they have obtained their undergraduate degree, is to go straight into graduate school, the thought seems to be to carry the momentum gained from graduating with a bachelor’s degree and use it to stay motivated through grad school. Really, though, for lots of […]
Paying for College : how are you going to pay for it?
You’ve applied and gotten in to the school you most want to go to. Congratulations! You are in for an incredibly exciting adventure. Now how are you going to pay for it? You’ve undoubtedly spent some time searching through the scholarships and grants that are available through local avenues. You’ve probably even already applied to […]